TIAFT has a new Board
Published on: 21-10-2011
Three weeks ago, the annual meeting came to a close in San Francisco. It was a fantastic meeting with 1400 attendees, probably the largest forensic toxicology meeting ever. I would like to thank Nik Lemos, Ann-Marie Gordon, the organizing and scientific committees for making this meeting a big success.
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My last President's message
Published on: 01-09-2011
This will be my last President's message as I hand over to Professor Alain Verstraete during the combined SOFT/TIAFT meeting next month. I would like to thank all of our TIAFT members for your support and encouragement. I have certainly enjoyed my last 3 years as President and I'm sure Alain will look after the Association extremely well for the next term.
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Triennial elections for office bearers is approaching
Published on: 26-06-2011
As we draw closer to the next annual scientific meeting and our triennial elections for office bearers I would like to request that members nominate other members for positions on the board. Applications need to be sent by e-mail in advance of the meeting.
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Back from Board Meeting in Zagreb, Croatia
Published on: 23-04-2011
Since my last message the TIAFT board had its annual main meeting in Zagreb, Croatia. Dr Miran Coklo, the local host, and new regional representative for Croatia, invited the board to Zagreb and organised a symposium on forensic toxicology for the region.
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Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
Published on: 20-03-2011
A few days ago on behalf of all members I extended our deepest sympathies to Professor Osamu Suzuki, the president of the Japanese Association of Forensic Toxicology and representative of the Japanese forensic toxicologists, on the enormous disaster that has occurred in Japan from the Earthquake and Tsunami.
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Actions agreed at the last Board Meeting
Published on: 01-11-2010
As 2010 slowly draws to a close I would like to thank members for their membership of the association and their continued support including in particular members of our various committees. At the last board meeting and following the business meeting a number of other actions were agreed.
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Back from Bonn, it was a success!
Published on: 15-09-2010
Thank you to Frank Musshoff and Hans Maurer and the staff of their respective laboratories and the wider organizing and scientific committees including Thomas Kraemer and Frank Peters for the scientific program and to Stefan Toennes for the web content. I would also like to thank again all of the sponsors and exhibitors that helped make this meeting such a success. We all look forward to next year in San Francisco late September 2011 with the combined meeting with SOFT.
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Development of a database to provide useful data for forensic toxicologists
Published on: 23-07-2010
The board is keen to seek assistance from suitably interested members to help Prof Donald Uges develop the database and agreed to seek an expression of interest from members. The committee have now drafted terms of reference to guide the development of the database and provide more useful data for forensic toxicologists. I would like anyone who has an interest and an ability to assist to contact me.
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Recommendations/outcomes from the board meeting
Published on: 07-06-2010
On the invitation of the Director Colonel Chimid Altankhishig of the Mongolian National Institute of Forensic Science the Board met in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. The board were shown some of the sights of Ulaanbaatar and surrounding areas and were dined in both modern restaurants as well as traditional Gers. A workshop was held on one of the days with presentations from board members, and others, including Prof Surenjav Unursaikhan director of the Poison Control Centre. The deputy Minister of Justice and Home Affairs Ms Vanchig Udval opened the workshop.
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A donation to TIAFT of Euros 80,000
Published on: 02-02-2010
Since my last note in November the Web Master has made active the new web-site. I hope as many of you as possible have had the opportunity to visit it and update your personal details. It will also allow you to pay your annual dues and publish your messages that can be read (and commented) by all members.
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First note for the year
Published on: 20-01-2010
This is my first note for the year. The deadline for submission of abstracts is very close - please submit abstracts. Details are available on our web page. The organisers have put together a great program for Bonn, the birthplace of Beethoven and the seat of the German parliament for almost 50 years.
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