• You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you’ll get what you need. (Rolling Stones)

    Published on: 16-04-2019

    The above lyrics from one of the Rolling Stones’ most famous songs applies well to the upcoming deadline for TIAFT travel grants to attend the annual meeting in Birmingham. These travel grants are for members without financial support and they are offered to both Standard and DCF Members...

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  • Fancy Seeing You Here!

    Published on: 23-02-2019

    I was recently at the 2019 Annual Conference of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in Baltimore, Maryland. I earned my doctoral degree in toxicology blocks away from where the conference was held, so the meeting had some special meaning to me...

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  • Resolving to do Better in 2019!

    Published on: 18-01-2019

    With each New Year, many of us resolve to change. Whether it is to lose weight, exercise more, cutting back on a bad habit, or becoming a better person, research has found that when we share our New Year resolutions with others, we become more accountable and are more likely to follow through with them...

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  • Buenos Aires in the World’s Spotlight… Once Again

    Published on: 06-12-2018

    In late November, some of the world’s current leaders descended upon Buenos Aires, Argentina in order to work towards common goals to better the world. I’m not referring to the G-20 Summit, but instead I am talking about the Latin American Regional Meeting of TIAFT...

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  • "Your voice is my voice" (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk)

    Published on: 25-10-2018

    I was lucky to be able to participate in the most recent TIAFT Regional Meeting in Cappadocia, Turkey. Congratulations to the Meeting Chairs, Serap Annette Akgür and Nebile Dağlıoğlu, as well as their entire organizing team for another successful regional meeting in Turkey.

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  • To Meet an Old Friend in a Distant Country is Like the Delight of Rain After a Long Drought

    Published on: 10-09-2018

    As I write this, I am on my way home from another wonderful TIAFT Conference. Many thanks go to Sarah Wille, Christophe Stove, and the entire Belgian Team for putting together a magnificent scientific program and exceptional social event. It truly was as promised – “Addictive Days and Toxic Nights”.

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  • Navigation and Our Upcoming TIAFT Meetings

    Published on: 28-07-2018

    It is interesting that one of Belgium’s most famous historical figures was Gerardus Mercator, whose maps eventually became the standard for how we view the world today. So as we find our way to Ghent in the coming weeks, we should give a small thanks to the Belgian-born Gerardus Mercator.

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  • The Man Behind the Curtain!

    Published on: 16-06-2018

    In a famous scene from The Wizard of Oz, Toto reveals the true identity of the "Great and Powerful Oz" as a mild-mannered man pulling on control levers and turning the wheels that operate a grander figure...

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  • “Well begun is half done.” - Aristotle

    Published on: 21-05-2018

    Last week, the TIAFT Board of Directors held its Mid-Year Meeting in conjunction with a Regional TIAFT Meeting in Greece. Both meetings were huge successes. But before I share information about these meetings, let me explain this month’s quote...

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  • Don't miss the deadline

    Published on: 24-04-2018

    Believe it or not, we are just a few months from our next annual TIAFT Conference. This year’s meeting will be in Ghent, Belgium and our hosts, Sarah Wille and Christophe Stove, are working very hard to make this another memorable TIAFT experience.

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  • “When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.”

    Published on: 22-03-2018

    Benjamin Franklin was one of the “Founding Fathers” of the United States and known for his many contributions as a politician, author, scientist, inventor, printer, postmaster, civic activist, and humorist.

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  • The Team that Gets Off to a Good Start, Wins Pennants

    Published on: 17-02-2018

    I am happy to report that in just a little more than a month after the election of the new TIAFT Board of Directors, we are off to a great start!

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  • Strategy is the Key to TIAFT’s Success

    Published on: 15-01-2018

    What an honor it is to know that this organization and its members have the trust in me to serve as its President for the next three years. I promise to do my very best to represent all of you in a positive manner while in this role.

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  • Report on three meetings

    Published on: 20-12-2017

    How lucky I am to write my last message as TIAFT president twice. Yes, this is truly the last one because there won’t be the Hurricane in wintertime and the 5th Joint SOFT-TIAFT meeting and the 55th TIAFT annual meeting is just around the corner. Finally I will pass my presidency to Dr. Marc LeBeau in Boca Raton. Thank you very much for waiting, Marc.

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  • Report on three meetings

    Published on: 04-12-2017

    Winter is here in the northern hemisphere, and this means that we are going to meet very soon in Boca Raton. Recently there was the 13th TIAFT Latin American Regional meeting on November 14-17 in Calarca, Colombia and in the past two months, I attended two very interesting meetings in China and Portugal.

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