Published on: 04-04-2022

Following up on the success of previous continuing education events, TIAFT’s Continuing Education Committee is delighted to serve you on May 10th (2-5 pm CEST; 8-11 am EST) a Webinar dedicated to alcohol.

In this 3-hour webinar, four experts will explain different aspects of the forensic analysis of alcohol, including back-calculations, and alcoholic blackouts. The webinar will end with five country perspectives on alcohol analysis from five different continents.

Registration (via this link) is free for members (one of the many benefits of being a TIAFT member) and costs 50$ for non-members. The program can be found below. Spaces are limited (first come, first serve).


All tiems are presented in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

  • 8:00-8:10 - Dr. Dimitri Gerostamoulos (Australia)
  • 8:10-8:50 - Prof. Alan Wayne Jones (Sweden)
    Studies Forming the Basis of Blood Alcohol Calculations in Forensic Science and Legal Medicine.

    After attending this presentation, one will:
    a) Learn basic principles of ethanol pharmacokinetics.
    b) Learn about the most important scientific literature.
    c) Learn the principles and practice of blood-alcohol calculations.
    d) Learn about some typical court cases when back extrapolation was required.

  • 8:50-9:10 - Dr Peter D. Maskell (Scotland)
    Alcohol Calculations

    After attending this presentation, one will:
    a) Know about the guidelines that exist for alcohol calculations and the challenges that go into creating those guidelines.
    b) Describe the scientific basis for forensic alcohol calculations.
    c) Understand the common errors in back calculation.

  • 9:10-9:30 - Jennifer F. Limoges (USA)
    Alcohol Calculations
  • 9:30-9:40 - Short break
  • 9:40-10:10 - Dr Graham R. Jones F-ABFT (Canada)
    Alcoholic Blackout: Definition and Factors Involved

    After attending this presentation, one will:
    a) Understand the characteristics of alcoholic blackout.
    b) Understand what causes alcoholic blackout.
    c) Understand the mechanism of alcoholic blackout.

  • 10:10-11:00 - Luis Ferrari (Argentina), Joanna Rositano (Australia), Daniel Awuah (Ghana), Doina Radu (Romania) and Ping Xiang (China)
    Country perspectives