Published on: 12-09-2022

The 2022 winners of the TIAFT awards were announced at the President's Banquet closing the Versailles meeting. We are happy to congratulate the well-deserved winners!
Alan Curry Award
For a lifetime contribution to analytical and forensic toxicology
Prof. Dr. Heesun Chung (Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea)
TIAFT Achievement Award
For outstanding scientific track record of a TIAFT member under 46 years of age
Dr. Andrea E. Steuer (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Randall Baselt Award
For the best interpretation paper in Journal of Analytical Toxicology
Gerd Jakobsson (Rättsmedicinalverket, Sweden) - "Oxycodone Concentrations and Metabolic Ratios in Femoral Blood from Fatal Intoxications and Other Causes of Death using LC–MS-MS"
Young Scientists Best Oral Award
Best oral presentation at the annual meeting by a Young Scientist (not older than 40 years of age)
Tom Dario Schneider (University of Zurich, Switzerland) - "Uncovering urine adulteration attempts in forensic toxicology - A LC-MS based proteomics approach"
Young Scientists Best Poster Award
Best poster presentation at the annual meeting by a Young Scientist (not older than 40 years of age)
Giacomo Musile (University of Verona, Italy) - "Creatinine determination by origami paper-based device for identifying urine adulteration"
Young Scientists Best Paper Award
Best paper authored by a Young Scientist (not older than 40 years of age)
Marthe Vandeputte (Ghent University, Belgium) - "Characterization of recent non-fentanyl synthetic opioids via three different in vitro µ-opioid receptor activation assays"
TIAFT Bulletin Award
Best article published in the TIAFT Bulletin
Lisa Delahaye (Ghent University, Belgium) - "The added value of paracetamol-protein adduct determinations in clinical and forensic toxicology" - Issue 51(3)
Brian S. Finkle Visiting Grant
Additionally, at the Business Meeting, the TIAFT President announced the first recipients of the Brian S. Finkle Visiting Grant. Atika Bendjamaa (Algeria) and Alberto Salomone (Italy) will receive funding for a 4-weeks training program.