Argentina 2018
Argentina 2018


Abstracts submission: from August 13 th until November 5th 2018 to the following email addresses: and a copy to

Type of presentation Poster/ Conference
Leave an option, in arial 12, negrita, with left align.
Area (for posters only)
  • Analytical Toxicology
  • Forensic Toxicology
  • Clinical Toxicology
  • Environmental Toxicology
  • NPS, classic and design drugs toxicology

Place up to 2 areas, in arial 12, black, aligned to the left.

Title Initial uppercase, arial 12, black, left alignment, after the area leaving a blank row.
English title Initial uppercase, arial 11, black, left alignment, after the title, no free row.
Author/s Last Name (comma), Name/s (second name with initial, followed by a point) second and third author the same etc. Separate different authors with semicolon (;). Underline the author who will present the work, Arial 11, left alignment after the title, no free row. Different affiliations are identified with numbers in superindex after the name or the initial of the second name without leaving any space. Example: Ferrari, Luis A.1; Giannuzzi, Leda2
Affiliation Institution (dot Address, Phone/Fax dot). Other/s institution/s (dot). Arial 11, left alignment, leave a free row from the authors. Different affiliations are identified with a superindex number before the institution without leaving space. Example: 1Catedra Toxicología y Química Forense-Facultad de Derecho y Cs Jurídicas-UM
E-mail Arial 11, black left alignment, after filiation, no free row
Abstract text Abstract text must be in arial 11, no first line sangria, justified paragraph. Summary must contain introduction, hypothesis or objective, materials and methods, results and conclusion. It is not necessary to head every section with a title. However, if titles can not be eliminated, to avoid altering the editing they must have the same type of letter, underline and followed by two points(:). Summary without results or with results like "results will be discussed...” will not be accepted. If any table is added use the same type of letter of the text. Summary text up to 2500 characters including spaces.
Acknowledgment and project declaration At the end of the summary, arial 10, after the summary, no free row.
Keywords Four (4) key words in the same format of the abstract. Each word with Upper initial letter separated by semicolon (;), arial 11, left alignment, after the acknowledgement, leaving a free row

Abstract text up to 3000 characters including spaces (title, acknowledgment and keywords are not included).

Sponsored by

Platinum sponsor

Agilent Technologies

Gold sponsor

Randox Toxicology


Universidad del Moron