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XXXV TIAFT Annual Meeting Poster Presentations

Mekkawy H.A.*, Massoud A.A.**, Hammouda E.M.***, Hassan M.A.*

*The National Center for Social and Criminological Research, P.O. Zamalek, P.C. 11561, Cairo, Egypt
**Fac. Sci., Tanta University, Cairo, Egypt
***Fac. Sci., Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt

The present work deals with the study of the effect of carbamate insecticide BPMC (osbac) with the repeated single oral dose 2.26 or 4.53 mg/kg/day for 5, 10, 15 and 20 day by Leghorn Chickens.This study comprises determination of serum total proteins, creatinine as well as GOT, GPT and cholinesterase activities. Also, histopathological examination of liver and kidneys were carried out. The results obtained are summarized as follows: serum proteins showed a highly significant decrease. Serum GOT and GPT showed highly significant increase. Serum cholinesterase showed a highly significant decrease. Serum creatinine showed highly significant increase.
Histopathological examinations revealed that in kidneys: congestion and hemorrhage with round cell infiltration and thick-walled blood vessels. Necrosis of some epithelial cells lining. The renal tubules appeared with some granular casts in their lumina. Also, the kidney manifested the formation of the structure of the glomeruli and fibroblastic cells; whereas in liver: focal necroses of hepatocytes and round cell infiltration. The hepatocytes showed apparent increase in the incidence of vacuoIated in the mid zonal and centrilobular areas, congestion, laceration and dilatation of blood sinusoid and some of the central veins. Osbac had also caused pyknosis of their nuclei, proliferation of vonkupfer and fibroblastic in liver cells.
The effects were proportional to insecticide concentration and duration of administration. Results indicated that two doses of BMPC (osbac) were mostly attributable to hepatocellular damage and renal failure; and high dose of BMPC was more effectives than lower one.

  Abstract 061

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